Maximizing Efficiency: A Guide to Embracing Workplace Tech

Published On Mon Jun 10 2024
Maximizing Efficiency: A Guide to Embracing Workplace Tech

How to embrace new workplace tech | Executive PA Media

For some EAs, adapting to the current technological shift will be second nature. For others, it can be hugely intimidating. If you fall into the latter category, workplace expert Michelle Gibbings advises being ‘curiously adaptive’. Here’s how it’s done…

Embrace the benefits

Research says many people spend 25% or more of their work time on low-value or inefficient activities. AI-powered large language models, such as Chat GPT, Google’s Gemini or Microsoft Co-Pilot (to name just a few), provide avenues to eliminate or reduce routine EA tasks. Voila – more capacity for you to undertake more creative and connected work!

Be selective

Technology aids productivity when its purpose is clear, and it is integrated into a business’s workflow. So, adopt a fit-for-purpose approach. Consider how you can integrate these tools into your working day – where could these tools save time, and improve processes and output?

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Get playing

Research from Snaplogic found that 72% of Australians welcomed AI’s use in their role. However, 34% felt very few people in their organisation had the skills to implement and adopt it. The good news? These tools are easy to use and the best way to learn is to explore. Give yourself time to play and test the boundaries. For example, you may have a report to write or an email to respond to. Play around with a tool to create an initial draft or framework for the response. If the tool is integrated into your basic suite of applications, use it to schedule meetings, coordinate team activities, summarise documents and produce meeting notes. In each situation, try, test and refine your approach.

Think about it

The success of using these tools lies in how clearly you write the request or what’s known as a ‘prompt’. Professor Ethan Mollick at Wharton University suggests good prompts use simple language, avoid technical jargon, are conversational in tone and specific. Why not use a series of prompts to help refine your request?

Share insights

Leverage your EA network to share ideas about how you are using these tools and gather ideas from your peers.

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Know the difference

Not everything can be outsourced to tech. A robot can’t connect, show compassion or provide the emotional support humans need to thrive, for example. So, the ‘special sauce’ that makes you unique in your role becomes even more critical in the age of AI.

Build switch-off routines

Avoid letting technology run your day, so set boundaries about how and when you use it. Consider establishing specific times or places where you disconnect entirely.