AI Redefining News Delivery: Inside the Collaboration of News Corp. and OpenAI

Published On Fri Jun 21 2024
AI Redefining News Delivery: Inside the Collaboration of News Corp. and OpenAI

News Corp. collaborates with OpenAI to display news with ChatGPT

News Corp., the multinational news publisher controlled by the Murdoch family, announced a collaboration with OpenAI to showcase its news content through ChatGPT. This partnership adds to the growing trend of news organizations entering into content agreements with AI companies.

Details of the Collaboration

While specific commercial terms were not disclosed, the Wall Street Journal reported that the deal between News Corp. and OpenAI could potentially exceed $250 million over a five-year period. This arrangement may include financial payments and credits for utilizing OpenAI's technology.

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It remains unclear how News Corp.'s content will be presented within the ChatGPT platform. However, according to an OpenAI spokesperson, it will involve links to the company's news sites and will be implemented with a certain delay.

Impact of AI Chatbots on the News Industry

The emergence of AI chatbots has significantly impacted the news industry. Platforms like ChatGPT and Google's Gemini have been trained on web-scraped text, including news articles, raising concerns about the future of journalism. There is a fear that people may increasingly rely on Big Tech chatbots for information instead of supporting traditional journalism.

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Some news organizations have taken legal action against OpenAI for scraping their articles, while others have opted to sign agreements with the AI company. The evolving technological landscape poses challenges for news publishers, with shifts in platforms affecting revenue streams and readership.

Debates Surrounding AI and Journalism

Journalists are now grappling with the implications of AI on their profession. Tech giants like OpenAI and Google have been accused of utilizing news content without proper compensation, leading to debates on fairness and plagiarism. While Google has rolled out AI-generated answers in search results, OpenAI has engaged in partnerships with news providers.

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The collaboration between News Corp. and OpenAI reflects the ongoing transformation within the news industry. As AI technologies continue to evolve, the relationship between AI companies and news organizations is likely to shape the future of journalism.