Cracking the Code: Unveiling the Truth Behind OpenAI's GPTs

Published On Sun Jun 30 2024
Cracking the Code: Unveiling the Truth Behind OpenAI's GPTs

Does OpenAI still support GPTs - or is this a dead end/waste of time ...

It seems like there has been a lack of updates regarding GPTs since their initial announcement. This has led to hesitation among developers regarding investing time in building on this platform, fearing that it may already be a discontinued product.

Many are wondering if OpenAI is still actively working on improving GPTs and if there is any potential for a revenue stream associated with them.

The Current State of GPTs

Despite the uncertainties, GPTs are still very much relevant. However, the future revenue opportunities from them remain unclear. Developers are questioning the value proposition of investing in building GPTs for individual purposes.

Personal experiences with developing GPTs have varied. Some have created GPTs for personal convenience in specific workflows or as experimental projects. However, finding ready-made GPTs that cater to one's specific needs or interests has been a challenge for many.

GPT-4o vs GPT-4: Which Model is Better?

Recent developments, such as the introduction of the GPT-4o model and the transformation of "GPT-4" in ChatGPT to GPT-4-Turbo, have impacted the perceived value of existing GPTs. The need to incorporate custom instructions or memory enhancements to maintain desired behaviors has also added complexities to the user experience.

For those who relied on specific skills within GPTs that are no longer available, the utility of these models has significantly diminished. This has prompted users to explore alternative solutions or create their own custom GPTs tailored to their requirements.

Despite the challenges and uncertainties surrounding the future of GPTs, the community continues to engage in discussions and explore the possibilities offered by this technology.

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