ChatGPT: Intelligent, Stupid, or Downright Dangerous?
ChatGPT, the AI chatbot developed by OpenAI, has been making waves in the tech world since its launch four months ago. It has been praised for its ability to answer almost any question and generate a variety of content, from book summaries to poems. However, concerns have been raised about its reliability and the lack of legal regulations for AI technology.
The Italian national data protection authority has blocked access to ChatGPT due to concerns about the harvesting and storing of user data without a legal basis. Similarly, thousands of tech experts have called for a freeze on the development of AI due to "major risks for humanity." Despite these warnings, the development of new AI continues.
What is ChatGPT?
ChatGPT is a computer program designed to process huge amounts of data and answer questions or generate content based on that information. It lacks emotional intelligence, self-awareness, inspiration, creative thinking, and independent decision-making abilities.
AI researcher Jürgen Schmidhuber explains that while AI can recognize and label objects, like a cat in a picture, it does not have the referentials that humans do. Referentials are hundreds of millions of "maps" that the brain creates based on our sensory input, and AI lacks the sensory input to create them.
Why is ChatGPT a Concern?
The risks associated with ChatGPT and other AI technology are significant. The lack of emotional intelligence and independent decision-making can lead to biased or incomplete information being provided to users. Additionally, the harvesting and storing of user data without consent or legal basis is a violation of privacy rights.
There is a need for more attention and funding to establish AI governance systems to regulate the development and use of these technologies. We cannot trust AI blindly, and critical thinking skills are necessary to question the information it provides.
As AI technology continues to advance, it is crucial to consider its potential risks and implement necessary regulations to ensure its safe and ethical use.