Google's Med-Gemini Redefines Healthcare AI/ML Benchmarks

Published On Mon May 06 2024
Google's Med-Gemini Redefines Healthcare AI/ML Benchmarks

Google says Med-Gemini model outperforms existing AI/ML standards in healthcare

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Google and DeepMind released an open access paper on their newest artificial intelligence tools intended for use in healthcare.

Foundation models for generalist medical artificial intelligence ...

Med-Gemini, which is still in the research phase, builds on the back of Google’s Gemini model and surpasses industry standards according to 14 popular industry benchmarks, according to Google researchers.

Google DeepMind is a leader in artificial intelligence, known for its groundbreaking research and innovative projects.

Med-Gemini is a family of large multimodal models (LMMs), each with a different purpose and application. While large language models “demonstrate suboptimal clinical reasoning under uncertainty” and struggle with hallucinations and bias, Med-Gemini has “more factually accurate, reliable, and nuanced results for complex clinical reasoning tasks” than its competitors, including GPT-4, Google writes.

Google DeepMind - Wikipedia

Google researchers contend that Med-Gemini is more accurate than any other LMM on the market, achieving 91.1%...

For more information, you can read the full article on Fierce Healthcare.