Elon Musk's Warning: OpenAI Having Access to My Phone

Published On Sat Jun 15 2024
Elon Musk's Warning: OpenAI Having Access to My Phone

Can't wait for OpenAI to have access to my phone: Elon Musk | Zee ...

After criticizing the collaboration between Apple and OpenAI for integrating ChatGPT with iPhones, tech mogul Elon Musk has raised concerns about the possibility of the AI company gaining access to his phone. This comes in response to reports of OpenAI appointing Paul Nakasone, the former commander of US Cyber Command and ex-director of the National Security Agency (NSA), to its board of directors.

Elon Musk's Reaction

Elon Musk, who is the CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, expressed his apprehensions regarding OpenAI's recent developments. Musk took to social media to share his thoughts, stating, "Can't wait for OpenAI to have access to my phone."

Paul Nakasone Joins OpenAI Board - GovCon Wire

Paul Nakasone's Role

Upon joining OpenAI, Paul Nakasone emphasized his commitment to safeguarding the company against evolving cybersecurity threats posed by malicious entities. He also disclosed his involvement in OpenAI's new safety and security committee, underscoring the importance of fortifying the organization's defenses.

Musk's Stand on iPhone Integration

In a bold move, Musk issued a warning about potentially banning iPhones across his companies due to the integration of ChatGPT technology. He stressed that any attempt by Apple to embed OpenAI at the operating system level would result in a ban on Apple devices within his enterprises, citing serious security concerns.

Elon Musk's threat to ban iPhones is fact checked by his own ...

Moreover, Musk outlined stricter measures by mandating visitors to deposit their Apple devices in a Faraday cage upon entry into his premises, further showcasing his stringent stance on data security.

Future Plans

Reports suggest that Musk is exploring a collaboration with Samsung to develop an innovative X phone, hinting at potential advancements in the realm of technology and artificial intelligence.

Elon Musk might make an X Phone with Samsung, and pigs can fly ...

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