Decoding Brain Waves: ChatGPT-like Models used by Scientists

Published On Sat May 13 2023
Decoding Brain Waves: ChatGPT-like Models used by Scientists

Scientists Harnessing ChatGPT-like Technology to Decode Human Brain Activity

Scientists have developed a groundbreaking technology that can read human brain waves and transform them into text using artificial intelligence (AI). According to a study recently published in the Nature Neuroscience journal, AI models like Google's Bard and Open AI’s ChatGPT are being used to decipher the brain activity of a person.

The study conducted by Jerry Tang, a doctoral student in computer science and Alex Huth, an assistant professor of neuroscience and computer science at UT Austin, revealed that the AI models can produce the text of a person's thoughts after listening to stories while under an MRI machine.

The researchers discovered that the technology could provide a non-invasive language brain–computer interface that could assist people who are unable to speak, such as those who have had a stroke.

The study showed that the AI model could only provide the general idea of what someone is thinking and could only reproduce a subject's thoughts closely about 50% of the time. Nonetheless, the technology is a significant step up from the typical single words or short sentences that were previously used.

Professor Huth stated that "We’re getting the model to decode continuous language for extended periods of time with complicated ideas," and that could be significant for people who require non-invasive methods of communication.

The researchers, however, acknowledged the potential risk to mental privacy and confirmed that they have taken measures to mitigate them before developing the technology. They emphasized that the technology should only be utilized when necessary to assist people.

Final Thoughts

The breakthrough in brain-computer interfaces has enormous potential benefits for those who are unable to speak due to various reasons. However, the potential for misuse must be taken into account.

Nevertheless, this technology is a significant step forward, and with further development, it could revolutionize the way we communicate and lead to remarkable leaps in human communication and collaboration.