Will AI-Powered ChatGPT Take Over the Newsroom?

Published On Sat May 13 2023
Will AI-Powered ChatGPT Take Over the Newsroom?

Can ChatGPT Write the News?

The rise of technology is revolutionizing journalism, and the emergence of AI, such as ChatGPT, is proof of this. According to Aimee Rinehart, program manager for the Associated Press Local News AI Initiative, AI is the third wave of technological change, following the web and social media/smartphones. The use of AI in journalism may include a range of technologies that automate, accelerate, or extend the human work required for specific tasks.

However, the readiness of newsrooms to integrate AI varies, and some concerns arise, such as AI's ability to discern disinformation and protect sources and sensitive information. Newsrooms across the country also express the desire that AI integration should be easy to learn, not autonomous, and that humans should have the final say on what gets published.

But, can an AI bot like ChatGPT write better than human journalists? Although this remains up for debate, Flatland decided to put it to the test. The bigger question now is how to utilize AI efficiently in the news gathering process while ensuring fair and accurate journalism.

According to Rinehart, rather than rejecting AI altogether, newsrooms, and people working in them, should think about how to use it and how not to use it. AI can assist in news gathering and reporting, but it is up to humans to steer it in the right direction.

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