WhatsApp Recycling Bot: Your Recycling Ideas Helper 🔄

Published On Fri Jun 21 2024
WhatsApp Recycling Bot: Your Recycling Ideas Helper 🔄

Recycling comes to WhatsApp ♻️ - DEV Community

This is a submission for Twilio Challenge v24.06.12. A WhatsApp bot which gives you recycling ideas at your fingertips.

WhatsApp is such a popular and convenient platform, that almost everyone has it. Just message the bot and tell it what you want to recycle. It works with text as well as images 🖼️✨

Often times while cleaning my house, I come across stuff I don't need anymore. Wouldn't it be nice to just snap a picture with the most used app on my phone and get instructions on how to recycle it? Well, think no more... Watch working demo on GitHub. Currently the app is running in a sandbox environment.

Text join want-correctly to +14155238886 OR scan the QR code below.

QR code to try out the demo

I used the Twilio Messaging API to setup communication through WhatsApp. I've used Google Cloud Vision API to detect what object the sender has captured. Then I've engineered a prompt and fed that to Open AI's GPT 3.5 Turbo to get instructions on recycling the object.

WhatsApp Business Solution flask-example WhatsApp Business API for Recycling Coordination and Waste Reduction permalink reporting abuse

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