Unveiling the Co-Pilot Plus PCs: A Deep Dive

Published On Thu Jun 20 2024
Unveiling the Co-Pilot Plus PCs: A Deep Dive

Windows Weekly 886 Transcript

Please be advised this transcript is AI-generated and may not be word for word. Time codes refer to the approximate times in the ad-supported version of the show.

Introduction to Windows Weekly

Leo Laporte (Host): It's time for Windows Weekly. Paul Theriot and Richard Campbell are here. Yesterday was the official debut of the Co-Pilot Plus PCs minus Recall. We'll talk about that and some of the new Co-Pilot Plus PCs. Paul's reviews are still to come. We'll also delve into the world of AI. And of course, a lot more on Windows Weekly. German whiskey makes an appearance this time. Stay tuned for Windows Weekly.

Intel lands foundry deal for custom Microsoft processor image

Leo Laporte (Host): Twit presents Windows Weekly with Paul Theriot and Richard Campbell, episode 886, recorded Wednesday, June 19th, 2024.

Discussion on Recent Microsoft News

Paul Thurrott (Host): Are you getting tired after 886 episodes? It only feels like 884, 885. That's a lot of shows.

Leo Laporte (Host): That's indeed a lot of episodes. It's amazing how time flies when we're discussing Microsoft updates. And about a year ago, Richard Campbell joined us, adding great insights ever since.

Paul Thurrott (Host): It feels like it was just yesterday when Richard joined the show.

Rich Campbell (Host): It's been a couple of years now.

Leo Laporte (Host): Time really does fly. This dynamic trio comes together every week to discuss all things Windows and Microsoft.

Update on Co-Pilot Plus PC Release

Paul Thurrott (Host): Let's talk about the recent Co-Pilot Plus PC release. There was initially a plan to delay sending out review units due to the Recall issue. However, Microsoft later decided to ship them out as scheduled on June 18th.

Leo Laporte (Host): It seems like there were some last-minute changes in the release plans for the Co-Pilot Plus PCs.

Microsoft pauses rollout of Windows 11 24H2 preview build image

Paul Thurrott (Host): Yes, Microsoft announced a sudden delay in the Recall feature, citing the need for further testing. This led to a series of events that impacted the release schedule.

Implications of the Latest Microsoft Updates

Paul Thurrott (Host): The rollout of the latest build of 24H2 was paused briefly, causing a ripple effect on other updates. However, Microsoft eventually resumed the deployment after resolving certain issues.

Rich Campbell (Host): Did the updates roll out smoothly after the pause?

Paul Thurrott (Host): Yes, eventually, the updates were successfully deployed. The Co-Pilot Plus PCs received the stable version of 24H2, albeit with some minor changes in the out-of-box experience referencing the delayed Recall feature.

Review Units and Personal Experiences

Leo Laporte (Host): Many reviewers and enthusiasts eagerly awaited the arrival of the Co-Pilot Plus PCs on June 18th.

Paul Thurrott (Host): Some individuals shared their experiences of receiving the new devices, highlighting the excitement surrounding the latest Microsoft hardware offerings.

Letshuoer S12 PRO in Ear Headphones image

Leo Laporte (Host): It's always a thrilling moment when new tech gadgets arrive, especially when it's a product as anticipated as the Co-Pilot Plus PCs.

Conclusion of Windows Weekly 886

In conclusion, the latest developments in Microsoft's software and hardware offerings have left tech enthusiasts and reviewers buzzing with excitement. Stay tuned for future episodes of Windows Weekly to stay updated on all things Microsoft.