Understanding MEV: Maximal Extractable Value in Blockchain

Published On Sun May 14 2023
Understanding MEV: Maximal Extractable Value in Blockchain

Featured | JamesBachini.com

In this tutorial, we will be creating a permissionless ERC20 memecoin and deploying it with a Uniswap v3 liquidity pool so users can buy it on the decentralized exchange. This tutorial is for demonstration purposes only, so please do not speculate on memecoins.

The Pepe memecoin is a cryptocurrency based on the Pepe the Frog meme. It is an ERC20 token on the Ethereum blockchain and is widely traded across many platforms.

What is MEV?

MEV (Maximal Extractable Value) is a term used to describe the maximum value that can be extracted from block production beyond the standard block reward and gas fees by including, excluding and changing the order of transactions in a block.

Danksharding and Protodanksharding

Danksharding and Protodanksharding are two approaches to scaling the amount of data on-chain for a future version of Ethereum. The goal of both upgrades is to ensure that the data on-chain is made available to archiving parties when it was first posted. This is accomplished through a technique called Data Availability Sampling (DAS).

Quadratic voting

Quadratic voting has gained popularity in recent years through adoption on applications such as Gitcoin Grants. Quadratic voting has the potential to fundamentally improve how public decisions are made. The process of quadratic voting involves assigning a number of votes to each participant. The votes are weighted according to a quadratic formula.

Technical analysis

For cynics, technical analysis is seen as astrology for middle-aged white guys, for others, it is the holy grail, which when mastered, inevitably leads to trading success. It is undeniable that price action reacts more at some levels than others. It's important for anyone involved in investing to learn technical analysis.

Distributed Validator Technology (DVT)

Distributed Validator Technology (DVT) enables a group of network validators, in a proof of stake system such as Ethereum, to act as a single validator. This can create a form of decentralized staking solution for the network which is more censorship resilient and secure. The role of providing a consensus mechanism has become increasingly important.


AutoGPT is an open-source app that uses ChatGPT and several other plugin-based modules to carry out every step needed to achieve a goal. AutoGPT is capable of interacting with 3rd party software and services both external such as the web and APIs and internal like spreadsheet apps. AutoGPT is a step up from ChatGPT.


Hackathons are a great way to socialize with other developers and build projects over a short period of time for fun and profit. If you want to work on something you are passionate about, choose a hackathon that is based on tech that you are interested in.

Frax DeFi

Frax is a growing ecosystem of DeFi products built on Ethereum. Founded in 2019 by Jason Huan, Sam Kazemian & Travis Moore, Frax has a legal and scalable stablecoin algorithm that fractionalizes crypto assets, similar to how a central bank issues currency. The Frax token (FXS) is used for governance and collateralization in the system.