Transforming Business Workflows: The Ultimate Key to Success

Published On Thu Aug 22 2024
Transforming Business Workflows: The Ultimate Key to Success

Using the Newest Technologies to Optimize Your Digital Agency

What if you could revolutionize your digital agency’s operations with the latest cutting-edge technology? Agencies today face the challenge of managing complex workflows while maintaining efficiency and trying to deliver high-quality results for clients. Traditional methods often prove inadequate in handling the increasing demands of clients, as well as the dynamic nature of our digital marketing world and inefficient workflows. Those lead to bottlenecks, resource waste, and subpar client experiences. Agencies can struggle to keep up with the fast-paced digital landscape, resulting in missed opportunities and declining competitiveness. And that’s what we’re covering today’s episode of the Martech Show.

Exploring the Latest Acquisitions in the AI Space

Some huge news within both the AI and the digital marketing space: Australian tech darling Canva has announced its acquisition of Leonardo is awesome. The Australian startup also has been one of the more popular image and video generation platforms, boasting nearly 20 million registered users. By comparison, Canva has over 190 million active users, of which 16 million are paid. And that’s just the latest in a series of acquisitions by Canva, including Affinity, Flourish, and Smart Mockups, all designed to help establish Canva as that all-in-one solution or hub for creatives, as well as help it move up the market.

The Impact of AI in the Creative Space

Okay, first of all, let’s applaud Canva once again for doing this. The things that are coming out of Australia—I mean, incredible at this moment. I want to applaud them. I think the news was really exciting, but I want to play devil’s advocate here, Mike, and I hope you’re ready to play too. Them adopting this whole AI system leaves me to wonder if you didn’t notice 30 percent of CMOs brought things in-house, and they’re starting to leverage AI. Canva is encouraging this, which is great. But when do we move from a creation to a curator?

The Key to Optimizing Your Business Workflow | Mosaic

Imagine if you could transform your digital agency’s operations with the latest tech tools. That might sound pretty great, right? A lot of digital agencies today might struggle with managing complex workflows and keeping everything running smoothly. And, let’s face it, traditional methods just don’t cut it anymore. Those inefficiencies can lead to headaches, wasted resources, and ultimately unhappy clients. In this fast-paced digital world, we need you. You can’t afford to miss a beat.

So today, we’ve got a special treat for you. We’re talking to Anne Cheng, the award-winning CEO of Supercharge Lab. She’s going to share how your digital agency can use AI and machine learning to streamline operations, optimize workflows, and offer more personalized services. With Anne’s extensive experience in transforming businesses, she’s got some incredible insights that can help you up your game. Hey, Anne, welcome to the show.

The Evolution of Supercharge Lab and AI Solutions

Supercharge Lab was started way before the whole ChatGPT revolution. When we first started, I was very obsessed with thinking, “How can I get inside the minds of my clients?” I needed them to make a transaction to sell. I needed them to buy. I needed to sell to them. And so I said to myself, “What if I could understand how they think?”

So while doing a lot of research about buyer behavior, I started Supercharge Lab because I had a lot of data, and I realized that after 18 years of running businesses, I’ve recognized that the biggest problem about running a business is that there’s this administrative overwhelm. There’s a sea and a tsunami of operational workflows, which are very painful. I also worked in the financial industry as a person in operations, and using that experience, I realized that a lot of things could be done by machines rather than humans. They become more consistent. They became more trustworthy and reliable, and so that’s when I started Supercharge Lab.

The first solution we had was Sigmund AI, and that was a solution that started to revolutionize workflows for agencies. Then the ChatGPT revolution came out, and everybody who says marketing technology today thinks, “Oh, you’re just doing generative AI.” But the truth is, we started by looking at analytics. We looked at data about “How do I understand workflows?” and “How do I make workflows?” whether it was the sales process, whether it was the business development process, [or] whether it was the finance or customer engagement process. How do I optimize that? In the years that followed, we were able to launch several other solutions to help optimize workflows across multiple industries. So that’s what Supercharge Lab does, in a nutshell.

Robotic Process Automation: The Key to Optimizing Hospital ...

I think we started with this thing called RPA (Robotic Process Automation). RPA is the process of automating whatever could be automated through your SOPs, your standard operating procedures. Take, for example: We know that the sales process starts with prospecting, then it goes into account nurturing, and it goes into understanding, having a discovery meeting, and so on, right? If you understand the components of every operational workflow, you can optimize and set reminders. So, there are AI assistants who can do that. You don’t need reminders. You can program automation to do everything for you so that you can free up a lot of the memory space in our brains, our human brains, to focus on the human connection, right?