The Unveiling of Satoshi Nakamoto: Why Nick Szabo is ChatGPT's Best Bet

Published On Sat May 13 2023
The Unveiling of Satoshi Nakamoto: Why Nick Szabo is ChatGPT's Best Bet

Has ChatGPT Finally Revealed the Identity of Satoshi Nakamoto?

ChatGPT, the AI software, claims to have cracked the greatest mystery in the crypto world - the true identity of Satoshi Nakamoto, the creator of Bitcoin. According to ChatGPT, after making forecasts full of statistics, Nick Szabo is the most likely person to be behind Bitcoin with a 30% chance. Hal Finney and Craig Wright follow onto second and third place with 20% and 10% probabilities, respectively. However, there is also a 30% chance that the creator is a group of several creators.

Nick Szabo is the most credible candidate for ChatGPT, being both a cryptographer and a computer researcher. Alongside him, popular names like Elon Musk and Steve Jobs have also emerged several times in relation to the BTC. However, ChatGPT could not find any direct "evidence."

There is also a 40% probability that Satoshi Nakamoto is of Asian origin, which should not come as a surprise since the name has Japanese connotations.

But when considering Satoshi Nakamoto, a second question arises. Does this pseudonym refer to one very competent person, or a group of individuals? ChatGPT leans towards the former, stating that a single person would hide behind the pseudonym for several reasons.

The pronoun "I" is used many times in the Satoshi Nakamoto white paper published in 2008, suggesting that only one individual would be behind the cryptocurrency. Additionally, each time someone was designated as a potential creator of BTC, at no time was a group of people suspected. Furthermore, some of the other personalities that were considered potential candidates to be Satoshi Nakamoto, like Nick Szabo and Hal Finney, are individuals rather than groups.

Although the help of AI has brought some clarity to the mystery, the true identity of Satoshi Nakamoto remains unknown. The founder of the largest cryptocurrency in the world has managed to keep his anonymity safe even from ChatGPT.

In conclusion, ChatGPT believes that Nick Szabo is most likely the creator of Bitcoin, with a 30% chance. Yet, the fact remains that Satoshi Nakamoto will likely remain an enigma for many years to come, and only time will tell if his true identity will ever be revealed.