The Battle of AI Chatbots: Who Will Reign Supreme?

Published On Mon Sep 02 2024
The Battle of AI Chatbots: Who Will Reign Supreme?

AI: The AI Chatbot 'Beauty Contest' in on. RTZ #466

As the fairy tale saying goes, ‘Mirror, Mirror on the wall, who’s the fairest of them all?” This question increasingly applies to AI Chatbots this year and next.

The AI Tech Wave

I’ve discussed how this year’s AI Tech Wave has seen a seemingly endless race of almost weekly one-upmanship of the major LLM AI companies introducing upgrades to their models. From OpenAI to Google to Anthropic to Meta and others, there’s been a spate of both large and small (LLM & SLM) AIs and upgrades targeted to both consumers and enterprises.

AI Chatbot Beauty Contest

The Bigger Picture

The question for most since the upgrades, has been how have end users adopted these models and in what numbers. And how sustainable are the growing metrics for these models and chatbots large and small. Especially given the extraordinary AI capex ramp, in the hundreds of billions, that investors are increasingly trying to digest. What are the growth rates for these Chatbots, both direct and via APIs? That is the Bigger Picture I’d like to focus on this Sunday.

Recent Developments

In this Saturday’s Weekend Summary, I noted: “Meta and OpenAI releases new ‘chatbot’ metrics, giving a glimpse into their growth at the halfway point in 2024. OpenAI announced 200 million weekly active users, double the number from last November.”

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Competition Among Tech Giants

It’s OpenAI GPT-4o, Microsoft Copilot, Meta’s Meta AI, Anthropic Claude, and Google Gemini, all gunning for the best scores and ratings. Axios goes into the qualitative aspects of these growth metrics in “All the tech giants say their chatbot is the hot one”.

Challenges and Future Outlook

The question of course is how much of this usage growth is first-time curiosity by early adopters to check out these new services, and compare them head to head. Voice AIs and all. Especially since for enterprises at least, the stridency of the questions on AI adoption by businesses is increasing from analysts and investors.


Meta is a good case in point since they’ve been laser focused on leading in the LLM AI race on the open-source side. Founder/CEO Mark Zuckerberg is leaning into Meta AI’s growth metrics, as the Information notes.

Leveraging Conversational AI