How to Streamline the Use of OpenAI's ChatGPT?
If you're looking for a more streamlined way to use OpenAI's ChatGPT, then you can install it on your Mac or iPhone using two free apps called MacGPT and GeePeeTee. Both apps are free and were created by a developer named Jordi Bruin.
Before downloading the apps for your Mac or iPhone, make sure you have signed up to use ChatGPT on its website as you’ll need to have an account in order to use them.
MacGPT allows you to chat with ChatGPT in its own window separate from your browser. But its core feature is the ability to quickly access the bot through the Mac menu. Think of it as a shortcut for the browser-based version of ChatGPT.
Meanwhile, GeePeeTee is an iOS app that lets you start multiple conversations with the bot on your iPhone. Again, you’ll need your API key in order to use it. Like MacGPT, the iPhone app offers easy access to ChatGPT’s posts without the need for a browser. This makes it much easier to copy the result to another app.
Both apps are easy to use and offer a streamlined experience for using ChatGPT. So, get started today and discover the benefits of using this powerful chatbot!