OPPO Revolutionizes Smartphone AI with Generative Features

Published On Mon Jun 10 2024
OPPO Revolutionizes Smartphone AI with Generative Features

OPPO outlines its AI strategy for its smartphones at a press conference in London, UK.

OPPO aims to bring generative AI features to 50 million phones by 2024

OPPO has unveiled its strategy for integrating artificial intelligence into its smartphones, following the establishment of an R&D centre and the introduction of the AI Eraser tool on various OPPO devices.

The Chinese tech company is committed to developing AI tools within its products, referred to as “AI phones”, with the aim of making them accessible to a wider audience. This shift in OPPO's phone strategy is supported by insights from a report by IDC titled Time to Democratize the Impact of AI Tech, which forecasts a significant growth in demand for phones with generative AI features priced under US$1,000, reaching 35 million units globally by 2024.

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With a wealth of 5,000 AI patents and inventions, OPPO is embracing a hybrid AI approach to leverage the surge in generative AI demand across various phone segments. This approach encompasses both on-device and cloud-based AI architectures to support phone functionalities, with cloud AI playing a more significant role in lower-tier phone models.

Collaborations for Enhanced AI Features

OPPO is collaborating with major industry players such as Microsoft, Google, MediaTek, and others to enhance the generative AI capabilities in its forthcoming smartphones. For instance, OPPO has announced plans to incorporate Google Gemini LLMs in the OPPO Reno12 series and the next-generation Find X flagship device. This integration will introduce innovative features like “AI Writer” and “AI Recording Summary” to users, although specific details on these functionalities are yet to be disclosed.

OPPO keynote also featured other industry partners that are instrumental to the growth of AI phones.

The upcoming OPPO phones will also feature “Microsoft capabilities” to offer a more efficient and natural voice and text conversion experience. These strategic partnerships aim to enrich OPPO smartphones with cutting-edge AI technologies, enhancing the overall user experience.

Source: OPPO (newsroom)