From Steam to Speed: The Evolution of Steam Engines

Published On Wed Aug 21 2024
From Steam to Speed: The Evolution of Steam Engines

What The Tech?! Steam Engines

Steam engines were the first step towards independent transportation. When you’re looking at modern transportation it’s easy to forget how different things have become. Internal combustion engines have provided a revolution in technology, allowing us to move away from animals, coal, and steam. However, it’s easy to forget the processes that lead us to this point.

The History of Steam Engine

While in today's world, technology typically means chips, computers, and electrical goods, in yesterday’s world it came in many different forms. One of the most essential steps on the journey towards the automobile was the implementation of the steam engine. Used on railways, the ocean, and even in early motor vehicles, the steam engine helped make travel both quicker and more efficient. It’s also a pretty interesting development cycle. Let’s check it out!

Evolution of Steam Engines

Similar to internal combustion engines, steam engines were initially released as a design concept, and they would see continued development through the Industrial Revolution, becoming more efficient and more reliable with each iteration.

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5AT Advanced Technology Steam Locomotive - Wikipedia