Three ways ChatGPT can make you an Excel expert: Here's how ...
OpenAI’s ChatGPT is being used in many ways and one of the interesting ways to use it is as an Excel expert. The chatbot can help you with various Excel tasks including creating formulas, automating email sending, and creating macros. Below are three ways to use ChatGPT in Microsoft Excel.
Create Formulas
It’s impossible to remember all the formulas in Excel. However, you can ask ChatGPT to create formulas for you by telling it what you want that formula to do. You can also share a sample of your Excel sheet and tell ChatGPT what you want to do with the data, such as calculating the total or finding the average. The more specific you are in your prompt, the better the response you will get from ChatGPT.
Create Macros
Macros are handy as they can help you perform various Excel tasks in a specific order. However, creating macros could be tiresome if you do not know programming or Visual Basic for Applications. ChatGPT can help you here as well. Just tell the chatbot to create a macro based on your requirement.
Once ChatGPT generates the macro for you, copy it and press Alt + F11 in Excel to open the Visual Basic Editor. Navigate to Insert > Module and paste the code. Now, close the dialogue box and click on File > Save as and select the file type as Excel Macro-Enabled Template. Return to your Excel sheet and head over to the Developer tab > Macros > Filter Data > Run.
Automate Sending Emails
Excel offers various methods to automate sending emails, and ChatGPT can help you with it. The process here is almost similar to the previous task. You need to ask ChatGPT to create a relevant VBA macro, explaining that you want to send emails to some list of people based on the information present in the Excel sheet. Once the macro is generated and saved, you can run it with a click to send multiple emails at once.