Are You Showing Your Age with These Tech Habits?

Published On Thu Jun 20 2024
Are You Showing Your Age with These Tech Habits?

Emojis, ringtones and loudspeakers – 10 tech signs you're part of the older generation

Just because you have the latest technology doesn’t mean you’re ‘down with the kids’. Forward that hilarious video, you know you want to.

Do you have a thick phone wallet? Do you use a novelty ringtone or set notifications to ping constantly? Is the “crying laughing” emoji one of your most-used texting characters?

Amazon Phone Wallet

Although you may not know it, as a middle-aged person or pensioner, you use your phones and tech quite differently to most people. Here are 10 ways your phone habits mark you out as one of the older generation.

1. Thick Phone Wallet

If you still carry around a chunky phone wallet that holds not only your phone but also all your cards and cash, you might be showing your age. Most younger generations prefer sleek, minimalist phone cases for their devices.

2. Novelty Ringtones

Having a novelty ringtone that plays a catchy tune or sound effect might have been popular in the early 2000s, but nowadays it’s more common for people to use default or personalized ringtones.

Genderfluid iPhone Wallet

3. Constant Notifications

If your phone notifications are constantly pinging with updates, messages, and alerts, you might be guilty of overnotification. Younger users tend to tailor their notification settings to avoid being bombarded with alerts.

4. Emoji Overload

Using emojis in almost every text message or social media post can be a sign that you’re a bit behind the times. While emojis are still widely used, younger generations tend to use a more varied range of communication methods.

Emoji at Work Chart

Although these habits may seem harmless, they can inadvertently reveal your age and tech-savviness compared to younger generations. So next time you reach for that crying laughing emoji, think about how it might be perceived!

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