Are Universities in Danger Due to ChatGPT Experimentation?

Published On Fri May 12 2023
Are Universities in Danger Due to ChatGPT Experimentation?

Experts in digital learning have warned that the excitement surrounding ChatGPT has led to "enthusiastic experimentation" that may be putting universities in a dangerous position.

Concerns About Assessment

The potential applications and abuses of generative AI tools have provoked lively debate within higher education, particularly on how they will challenge and change modes of assessment.

According to Stuart Allan, Director of Digital Learning at Arden University, this is only an issue if assessments are designed for recall and summarization.

Legal and Policy Framework

The greater concern is that "the legal and policy framework hasn't yet caught up with the technology".

Allan warns that "we are in quite a dangerous position at the moment, where technologies are being adopted without the implications being thought through".

Data Privacy

Melissa Highton, Director of Learning, Teaching and Web Services, and Assistant Principal for Online Services at the University of Edinburgh, echoes Allan's warning.

Although Highton welcomes the use of robots in education, she is concerned about where the data generated by ChatGPT tools is going.

She observed that "there had been some very enthusiastic experiments going on with things like ChatGPT in recent months, but this entails a lot of university data going somewhere, and we don't know where."

Risk of AI Arms Race

Simon Thompson, Professor of Hybrid Learning and Director of Flexible Learning at the University of Manchester, also highlights the risk of an AI arms race if issues of academic integrity and assessment are not handled appropriately.

He urged universities to critique generative AI systems and shift towards "human-centered effort."

Avoid Discrimination

Dr. Highton also warns against assuming that students who need assistive technologies are cheating.

Universities need to be careful not to discriminate against students who require these technologies.


In conclusion, the potential applications of generative AI tools are vast and exciting, but experts warn that universities need to be cautious and plan their use carefully to avoid unintended consequences.

The legal and policy framework has to catch up with the technology to ensure that universities do not end up in dangerous positions.