10 Ways to Enhance Your Vivaldi Address Bar Experience

Published On Thu Jun 27 2024
10 Ways to Enhance Your Vivaldi Address Bar Experience

Please Make The Addressbar Good For Once! | Vivaldi Forum

I've been using Vivaldi since last year after coming from Opera. The browser is great, but I have to admit the address bar has been a pain point for me. While many major issues have been addressed, there is still much left to be desired compared to other browsers, making the overall experience with Vivaldi somewhat challenging.

Site Info Secure

One of the biggest issues I face with the address bar is the unexpected results it sometimes provides. For example, typing "open it" led me to the Open AI community forum, simply because the word "community" contains the letters "it" and "openai" contains "open." This kind of autocomplete can be frustrating and misleading.

Another issue I encountered is the lack of visual cues when a result is automatically selected in the address bar, without filling up the address bar itself. This can lead to unintended selections and confusion.

Pale Moon 30.0

When discussing these issues on the Vivaldi Forum, users like @Kuroodo shared insights and tips to address them. One suggestion was to check the search suggestion URL in the search engine settings and to customize the Drop-Down Priority List in the Address Bar settings.

Configurable address toolbar

Despite trying different settings and configurations, the inconsistencies in the address bar functionality persist. It can be frustrating when compared to the more streamlined experiences offered by other browsers like Chrome, Opera, Edge, and Firefox.

While Vivaldi offers extensive configurations and customization options, I believe that the default settings for the address bar should provide a smoother and more predictable user experience, akin to other popular browsers. The address bar's unique behavior in Vivaldi can make it challenging to adapt to and may require some time to explore and understand all the available features.

Overall, while there are workarounds and settings adjustments that can improve the address bar experience in Vivaldi, a more intuitive default configuration could enhance the user experience for both new and existing users.