10 Tips for Streamlining Project Processes with AI

Published On Thu Jun 20 2024
10 Tips for Streamlining Project Processes with AI

INBOX INSIGHTS, June 19, 2024: Keeping Projects on the Rails, Overcoming Analysis Paralysis with AI

I’m in the middle of a kitchen renovation. If you’ve ever been through one, you know the experience can be stressful. Your level of involvement is likely tied to just how stressful it gets. I’ll be honest, I’m not handy. I’m a menace with sharp objects, or even blunt ones. But those who know me know that I am excellent at bossing people around, getting answers, and making sure things get done.

So here I am, knee-deep in construction, shocked to find out that not once, but twice, I’m the bottleneck in the process. The first time was when I was told the project could not move forward until I physically showed up somewhere to approve materials. The second time was when I hadn’t paid the outstanding balance.

Kitchen Remodeling Process: A Step by Step Guide

Both of these things seem like easy fixes, right? Sure. They were. Except for the fact that I wasn’t aware these were things that needed to be done. Let me clarify: Yes, I knew I needed to pick and approve materials. And yes, I knew I needed to pay the balance. That wasn’t the issue. The issue was how the process was unfolding and the lack of clarity and instruction. Not knowing what my role was, or assuming I didn’t have one, has held up the project from moving forward. In the first instance, I had already chosen the materials. I wasn’t told until the time came that, despite already choosing the materials and having it detailed on the work order, I needed to re-choose materials. In the second instance, I incorrectly assumed that when my credit card was charged initially, it would be charged when the next payment was due.

The Importance of Clear Processes

I tell you this because having a clearly defined process is the key to success for any project. Generative AI is still dominating the conversation. Marketers are being asked every single day to figure out how to integrate it into their workflow. We’re being asked to move faster, create more, and save money. It’s a big ask, but it’s not impossible. You can do it with good process development.

Why do we struggle with process? In my experience, process is a dirty word. To document it, to explain what you’re doing, takes too long. It’s faster just to do it. Chris, for example, is someone who moves very fast. He’ll get an idea and start to hammer away at it on his computer until he gets results. He’ll show us the results, and when we get excited to start using the new thing, the bottom drops out. He doesn’t remember what he did or how to replicate it.

Digital Transformation and Process Development

If your company is undergoing a digital transformation, the steps can be murky. Think about introducing tech like generative AI into your workflow. There are a lot of moving pieces and likely a lot of questions to answer. Digital transformation often goes wrong because the emphasis is on the outcome and the technology. The focus, however, should be on the people and process. More often, projects go sideways when the emphasis is on the platform.

The 5P Framework - Trust Insights Marketing Analytics Consulting

The good news is that the 5P Framework can help you out. The 5Ps are Purpose, People, Process, Platform, and Performance. Not only do you want to know what the process is, but who is involved, what tools you need, and how to measure success.

Overcoming Analysis Paralysis with Generative AI

In this week’s Data Diaries, let’s showcase one incredibly powerful, overlooked, underused application of generative AI, specifically large language models. Analysis paralysis is organizational overthinking, the classic “don’t let best be the enemy of good”, waiting for the perfect plan or the perfect piece of data to take action.

How are you using generative AI to overcome analysis paralysis?

What is the Digital Transformation Process? - What to Expect

Here’s a roundup of who’s hiring, based on positions shared in the Analytics for Marketers Slack group and other communities. Are you a member of our free Slack group, Analytics for Marketers? Join 3000+ like-minded marketers who care about data and measuring their success.