Investment update | 'Hey ChatGPT, is this a good investment ...'
Thursday, 15 August
13h ago
13 Aug
Receive News24 Business writer-at-large Carol Paton's articles about the political economy. Check out the meaning, theories, types, and examples in the fascinating world of political economy. You can also delve into solving the state-owned enterprises puzzle in Latin America and explore the major sources and future of the energy sector of India. Can you ace them all? Today’s crossword, wordflower, sudoku, and the weekly news quiz. Contact the public editor with feedback for our journalists, complaints, queries, or suggestions about articles on News24. Find public sector tender opportunities in South Africa here.
Explore more about the energy sector of India and its major sources. Stay informed about the latest developments shaping the industry's future.
Uncover insights into the political economy and its impact on various aspects. Dive into the realm of state-owned enterprises and discover the puzzle they present in Latin America.