10 Reasons Why Philosophers Should Engage with AI Inquiries

Published On Mon Aug 26 2024
10 Reasons Why Philosophers Should Engage with AI Inquiries

Stephen Wolfram believes philosophers should engage with major inquiries concerning AI

Hey there, you chips off the old block — yeah, you with the questionable haircut and the cup of coffee that might just be more sludge than brew! Ready to dive into some juicy intellectual gossip? I’m Mr. Promptastic, and today we’re going to have a sobering tête-à-tête about artificial intelligence. Spoiler alert: it’s going to wobble on some heavy philosophical legs.

So, what’s the deal? Stephen Wolfram, that legendary mathematician and the guy who probably has more degrees than a weather forecaster, believes that the philosophical elite need to strap on their thinking caps and join the AI fiesta. Why? Because the questions around artificial intelligence are getting so deep, they might as well require scuba gear!

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You see, as AI rockets from ‘maxed out calculator’ to ‘potential overlord’ (cue ominous music), the fog of confusion around its implications becomes thicker. Wolfram argues that with great power comes great — yep, you guessed it — philosophical responsibility. These aren’t just random musings…

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