10 Innovative Ways to Personalize Your Tech Experience

Published On Sun May 05 2024
10 Innovative Ways to Personalize Your Tech Experience

Personal Technology - The New York Times

Technology giants like Meta, Google, and others have been driving a renaissance for voice assistants. Despite this push, people have been hesitant to fully embrace the technology for over a decade.

Meta’s A.I. Assistant Is Fun to Use, but It Can’t Be Trusted

Mark Zuckerberg's hopes for the chatbot to be the smartest have fallen short, as it struggles with basic facts, numbers, and web searches.

This Artificially Intelligent Pin Wants to Free You From Your Phone

The $700 Ai Pin, backed by OpenAI’s Sam Altman and Microsoft, aims to be helpful but faces challenges when it comes to tasks like math problems and creating recipes.

Switching From iPhone to Android Is Easy. It’s the Aftermath That Stings.

Even if you manage to switch from an iPhone to an Android device, Apple's ecosystem still has its hooks on you.

Meta’s Smart Glasses Are Becoming Artificially Intelligent. We Took Them for a Spin.

Two individuals, a columnist and a reporter, tested out A.I.-powered glasses from Meta to scan various items, leading to a mix of humor, amazement, and errors.

The Basics of Smartphone Backups

Keeping copies of your phone's files, such as photos and videos, is essential and can be easily done to ensure data security in case of emergencies.

How to Create Vintage Videos: a Comprehensive Tutorial[2023]

Time-Saving Tips for Using Your Phone as a … Telephone

Modern smartphone software includes features that streamline communication, helping users connect with desired contacts efficiently while avoiding unwanted calls.

How to Give Your Photos and Videos a Vintage Look

Retro-photography apps offer tools to give digital photos and videos an analog, vintage appearance, adding a nostalgic touch to modern digital content.

How to Cut Down Your Screen Time but Still Get Stuff Done

Google's Routines and Apple's Shortcuts feature help users streamline tasks and enhance productivity by automating multiple actions with a single command.

Is It Time To Review Your Backup & DR? - Southeastern Technical

Finding the Fun Side of Software Updates for the iPhone and Android

Exploring the latest updates of iOS 17 and Android 14 towards the end of the year can introduce users to new features like wallpapers, widgets, and digital diary creation.